Now It's time to also start thinking about rain water collection... I am hoping to find a source to get a hold of several buckets so each garden won't require hose water for the gardens... please email if you have any ideas!
Here are our upcoming events- more to come - please email for the addresses
Saturday April 9th 11-2pm
Potluck & Garden Prep at Trevor's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass and sharing some food
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass and sharing some food
Sunday April 17 3-6pm
Potluck & Garden Prep at Bruce's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass and sharing some food
Potluck & Garden Prep at Bruce's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass and sharing some food
Sunday April 23rd 3-6pm
Garden Prep at Andrea's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass
Garden Prep at Andrea's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass
Friday May 6th 4-7pm
Potluck & Garden Prep at Felicity's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass / planting seeds and sharing some food
Potluck & Garden Prep at Felicity's
- we will be digging up a small patch of grass / planting seeds and sharing some food
Sunday May 9th 3-6pm
Potluck & Garden Prep at Drea's
- we will be digging and checking out our work from the fall & planting seeds
Potluck & Garden Prep at Drea's
- we will be digging and checking out our work from the fall & planting seeds
Saturday May 14th 8:30 am- 12:30
Garden Prep at the YMCA
-digging & planting some seeds
Garden Prep at the YMCA
-digging & planting some seeds